The LeanSuits 14-Day Fitness Kickstarter Program

Transform Your Body, Boost Your Confidence, and Kickstart Your Fitness Journey with LeanSuits!

Are you ready to accelerate your fitness goals and see real results in just two weeks?

The LeanSuits 14-Day Fitness Kickstarter Program is designed to help you shed fat, tone up, and enhance your overall health with a targeted, science-backed approach to fitness.

We are looking for 30 Men and Women who are ready to finally make the change in their health and fitness that they have been talking about for years!

Make 2024 the year you cut the excuses and finally step into the most empowered version of yourself!

What You'll Achieve:


Fat Loss

Watch as your body becomes leaner with our intensive workouts.

Muscle Mass Maintenance/Increase

Keep and build your strength even as you lose fat.

Engaged and Toned Muscles

Feel your muscles work like never before.


Cellular Health

Foster a body environment that promotes vitality.

Stabilized Blood Sugar Levels

Keep those spikes at bay for a balanced day.



Walk taller and prouder with your achievements.

Your 14-Day Journey Includes:

LeanSuits Sessions

Dive into 2-3 high-intensity, transformative workout sessions per week.

Evolt BodyScan

Get a baseline and see the progress with our cutting-edge body composition scan.

Challenge Workbook

Track your progress and stay on course to reach and surpass your goals

Metabolic Health Screening

Understand your metabolic health to optimize your program.

Healthy Eating


Get a baseline and see the progress with our cutting-edge body composition scan.

Calorie and

Macro-Nutrient Plan

Tailor your supplement intake to boost your results.

Exclusive Challenge


Gain insights, tips, and secrets to maintain your results beyond the 14 days.

Supplement Guides and Personalized Recommendations

Tailor your supplement intake to boost your results.

Access to

Primal Studio

Complement your sessions with our top-tier cardio equipment.

Your 14-Day Journey Includes:

LeanSuits Sessions

Dive into 2-3 high-intensity, transformative workout sessions per week.


Kick off with 2 sessions.


Ramp it up with 3 sessions.

Evolt BodyScan

Get a baseline and see the progress with our cutting-edge body composition scan.

Supplement Guides and

Personalized Recommendations

Tailor your supplement intake to boost your results.

Metabolic Health Screening

Understand your metabolic health to optimize your program.

Healthy Eating


Nourish your body with the right foods for your fitness goals.

Calorie and

Macro-Nutrient Plan

Customized planning to fuel your workouts and recovery.

Exclusive Challenge


Gain insights, tips, and secrets to maintain your results beyond the 14 days.



Track your progress and stay on course to reach and surpass your goals

Access to

Primal Studio

Complement your sessions with our top-tier cardio equipment.


“It's the busiest I've ever been at work and as a result I had to drop my regular training routine. I've replaced my 6 regular 1 hour Gym or Running sessions with 3 x 20min sessions at LeanSuits Fitness and I am actually fitter and feeling better overall. No aching joints from lifting, no knee pain from running, but I'm feeling fit and strong. LeanSuits Fitness has been awesome.“

JB, 34

Quantity Surveyor

“After doing LeanSuits for the past few months, I have seen a noticeable improvement in my muscle tone and strength. Seeing results so quickly makes it that much easier to motivate myself each week for classes!”

Brooke, 35


“Like everyone I am very restricted in my free time, so have decided to train smarter not harder. The results have been great, now after along holiday I know this is what will get me back to my fitness goals fast. The sessions are incredibly effective and great fun.“

Maeve, 35

Business Owner

“These sessions have worked wonders for giving me the shift I needed to get back into health and fitness. I'm loving Lean Suits ⚡️ and couldn't recommend it highly enough.“

Sally, 36

“Here are the (gross) photos before, and the (very decent) photos after twelve weeks of training twice per week. I also missed one week and have done no other exercise routine other than LeanSuits Fitness (and running around for my daughter as usual). I am Loving it!

MD, 39

Mother, Executive

“Supercharge Your Fitness What do I love so much about leansuits? Time is my currency and a lean suit class is an efficient way to sneak in a fantastic work out with minimal disruption to my day.“

Michelle, 39


Meet your coach


Chris is a Coach with a very eclectic background.

He's had so many injuries and accidents that he's all about finding ways to overcome pain and dysfunction.

LeanSuits combines his 20+ years of coaching into a system that by - passes all the regular requirements for training and gets it done in 20minutes by using electrical stimulation to get your muscles working in a way not traditionally possible .

  • @thehealthandfitnessguy

  • Creator PrimalThenics App: Train Smart

  • Creator LeanSuits Fitness: Get FIT, LEAN, STRONG fast

  • Owner PrimalThenics Studio: Where Expert

  • Coaching Meets Group Fitness Head Coach of Australia Exxentric

  • Master Level Trainer EMS

  • Head of Research and Science Hydra Longevity

  • Anti-Anging Supplements


We are looking for 30 men and women who are serious about creating long term change in their lives.


1. Dedicated over the 14 days

2. Coachable and bring a good attitude and energy to our community 

3. Ask for help when you need it

4. Be truly ready to draw a lie in the sand and make healthy living a lifestyle from now on

If you meet this criteria then...

This Is Your Moment!

Don’t wait another day to become the best version of yourself.

Spots are filling fast, and this offer is limited.

Secure your place in the LeanSuits 14-Day Kickstarter Program now and make the commitment to transform.

Take the Challenge — Transform Your Life!